Goulburn, NSW

The Problem

Service stations such as Budget Petrol in Goulburn are increasing their investment in EV chargers in preparation for a reduced global demand for fossil fuels. 

A site visit and power quality audit by Quality Energy's engineers identified the site has a poor grid supply, which will affect the efficiency of the EV chargers. The additional power consumption from the EV chargers will result in higher tariff charges and irregular power supply at Budget Petrol Goulburn, not to mention the potential reputational damage if the EV chargers fail to operate.


The Solution

Upon further energy data analysis, after our engineers conducted a site visit, it is recommended that Budget Petrol resolve the issue of poor grid supply by supplementing their power source with a rooftop solar power system

Quality Energy's solar power team designed and installed a 99.9kW solar power system with a special order solar inverter compatible with the DC EV chargers. 

Benefits and Outcomes

Key equipment

  • 240 Ulica solar panels
  • FIMER PVS-100 string inverter

System size


Project warranty

  • 10-Year Workmanship Warranty
  • 10-Year Solar Product Warranty
  • 30-year Solar Output Warranty

Let's talk about your project

Contact us or call 1800 736 374 to talk about how we can help your business improve energy efficiency and reduce your energy cost.

Is your business suffering from unexplained electrical faults, failures or power spikes?

A power quality audit will identify issues and give us the data we need to design an appropriate solution for your business. 

Contact us
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