City of Melbourne

The Problem

A low Power Factor was causing large current surges on the lift switchboards and tripping the circuit breakers. CitiPower also stated that the power factor of each supply had to meet a minimum requirement of 0.8. Given the electrical load profile of the Rialto because of the large lifts in the building, this project required engineering intervention not seen on most commercial sites.


The Solution

Quality Energy installed a thyristor-switched capacitor bank on the lift switchboard to cope with the rapidly changing load of the lift circuits. If a standard contactor switched capacitor bank is used on such a rapidly varying load, the capacitor bank response would be too slow to maintain the correct power factor and combat the large surging of the load. A Thyristor switched unit will react in milliseconds, maintain the power factor at the predetermined level and keep the load fluctuations as low as possible.

Benefits and Outcomes

Key equipment

Thyristor Switched Power Factor Correction System

System size


Project warranty

3 Years

Let's talk about your project

Contact us or call 1800 736 374 to talk about how we can help your business improve energy efficiency and reduce your energy cost.

Is your business suffering from unexplained electrical faults, failures or power spikes?

A power quality audit will identify issues and give us the data we need to design an appropriate solution for your business. 

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